The V debacle is behind me.
They aren't worth my time worrying about them. The great thing about this business model called network marketing is that once you learn how it works, you can build it again if need be. Not all companies would terminate you for "conveying a negative opinion of" someone, but some would and did. I say hasta la vista baby!!
I will miss the friends I have made in that company, but I will still keep in touch as long as they want.
I have been working with a FREE coaching and mentoring program the past week and I've been learning so much. I'm learning how to create relationships with people. Most network marketing ventures I've attempted in the past have told me "Make a list of 500 people and bug the heck out of them and maybe you'll get a sign up or two" or "Your friends and family are the toughest on you so start with them, the rejection will do you good, you'll get used to it easier that way." or (my personal favorite) "Go out and get 100 no's and you will be THAT MUCH CLOSER TO A YES". LOL.
If you already have a home based business or have ever thought of having one, you have to download my FREE eBook.
It's getting late. I guess I have to sleep sometime. Actually, I'm off to read for a bit. I am on the one year plan for reading the bible and I try to read my daily passages before I go to bed each night. Then I will fall asleep listening to Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" on my mp3 player.
Goodnight and God Bless,
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