Thursday, December 28, 2006
Don't get roped into the network marketing companies that you have to have 1,2, 3, 4, even 6 or 8 people in your organization BEFORE you get paid. You should be able to start your business today, sell product today and make money TODAY!! Not $2,500 in volume later, not AFTER you get 1-8 business builders in your organization. NOW.
Find a company with a compensation plan that pays the PART TIME PERSON.
Roxanne Green
Visit My Site
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
It is December 19th and we have no snow. I am loving it!!! I am concerned, however, because the poor trees and plants are confused. It's been in the 50 degree's and 60 degree's the past few weeks. My Christmas tree is GROWING PINE CONES!!!!!!!!! Pine cones. That is not right. These poor trees are budding out already. The geese don't even know which way to fly. They just fly around in circles wondering where to go.
I wish it were May. Spring is my favorite month of the year. In the spring, everything is being renewed. New grass, new flowers, new leaves on the trees. The smells of spring are different. Everything smells fresh and new.
OK. Enough for today about my weather.
Talk to you soon,
Be A Mentor With A Servant's Heart
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My good friend and legendary Network Marketing trainer, Kim Klaver has set up a new site called Network Marketing Central (NMC). This is a safe place for people to come and buy from Network Marketers, such as myself. See my NMC profile HERE. If someone is looking for a business, it's a safe place to look around and find the right person to partner with.
When Kim first opened NMC, she had google ads on her site. You know the ones - screaming, hypy, full of promises ads that no one pays attention to anyway. Her slogan is "No Promises, No Problems". Too many Network Marketing companies are getting hit for making product claims. YOU CAN'T DO THAT. Not only will you get in trouble with your company, but your company could get shut down. No one wants that.
Kim found a great solution to get rid of the ads full of hype and promises. The solution is called ORANGE ADS. See the orange ads at My Site.
Go ahead - go there and click on one that you like. If you don't like any that you see, just refresh the page and you will get all new ones. You will be brought directly to the profile of the person who wrote the ad. Pretty neat, huh?
Have an absolutely wonderful day!!
If you struggle in your MLM business, we may have a solution
Friday, December 01, 2006
You MUST read the book Spiritual Marketing by Joe Vitale. I first heard of Joe Vitale when I watched the movie The Secret. I love that movie.
In Joe Vitale's book, he tells us that in order to get what we want, we must know what we want. I've created a slide show that I am watching every day before I go to bed and every morning when I wake up. I would like to share it with you.
Have an awesome day!!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Everyone on the planet is primarily one or the other of the following personality “colors”. Blue, Green, Yellow or Red. Which one are you? What does this information have to do with network marketing?
Blues are open and direct. They are fun loving people who will tell you like it is. Blues see the big picture quickly. Did I mention they love to have fun? Blues love to party. Blues are scattered. Sticky notes and scraps of paper are strewn all over the desk of a blue. But…it’s an organized mess, they will tell you. The blue will tend to talk too much, be poor savers, and poor at follow through. They are generally disorganized and exaggerate. Blues talk loud and fast. Their dress is colorful and flamboyant. They will wear Hawaiian shirts and “loud” clothes. The blue personality dislikes not having fun. They dislike facts and figures and being alone is torture to a blue. Blues are good promoters. They are convincing, enthusiastic, have lots of energy and are very creative. Blues see the big picture very quickly. They don’t need a lot of facts and figures. If you are working with a blue, you don’t want to bore them with a lot of statistics and data. Give them an overview and let them know how much fun they will have and they will join you in an instant. In order to work with a blue, you need to get them focused. They need lots of direction and redirection. Blues are warriors. Once they are focused and having fun, they will build huge organizations and never quit. Blues comprise 15% of the population.
Greens are the opposite of blues. They are indirect and self contained. They are soft spoken and pronounce their words properly. Greens like statistics and data. More data, more data, more data is what the green personality needs. The green’s idea of fun is creating a new spreadsheet or analyzing data. They are very organized. Greens suffer from analysis paralysis. They are very hard to please. They tend to be depressed and lonely. Greens are good at follow through. They don’t understand how the blue can be so scattered and unorganized. Greens are persistent. They are the planners and organizers. Green’s dislike pushy, aggressive people. They dislike not getting all the facts. They dislike being late. Greens will give you short, one word answers. They don’t expand on them and you have to pull the information from them. If you are working with a green, give them more data, more data, more data. The one who gives a green the most data and the most accurate data wins. Greens comprise 35% of the population.
Yellows are open like the blues, but indirect like the greens. They will answer your questions, but won’t expand on them unless it’s a topic they are comfortable with. Yellows are family oriented. They are the nurturers, the teachers, nurses, and counselors. Yellows are very dependable. Their dress is casual and comfortable and their speech is soft and gentle. They are team players. Yellows are patient, supportive and sensitive. Yellows are generally followers and not leaders. They tend to be overly sensitive. Yellows are not goal oriented. They dislike pushy people, bullies and conflict of any kind. If you are working with a yellow, let them know how they can help others. Show them that you will be there to support and help them. They like to be part of a team. Yellows comprise 35% of the population.
The remaining 15% of the population are the Reds. The reds tend to be the pushy, aggressive salespeople that the most other reds dislike and that the other 85% of the population dislikes. Their motto is “Get out of my way!”. Reds are CEO’s, pilots, and attorneys. They hold high powered positions. Reds are goal oriented, focused and intense. They are hard to coach. Reds have big egos and short tempers. They are dressed is business attire even when it is not required. Reds like money, power and control. They have to be in control. Reds dislike indecision, idle chit chat and losing control. If you are working with a red, stroke their ego. Tell them how wonderful they are and how you are going to love working with them. They love to feel important. Reds comprise 15% of the population.
If you are in a network marketing company, you must have an email geared toward each color. A generic email will probably appeal to whichever color matches yours, but will probably not appeal to the other three colors. You must learn to talk to each color in terms they will respond to. This information will help you in your business and personal life. It will help you to become a better communicator and enhance all of your relationships.
Roxanne Green is a Mentoring For Free success coach and mentor. Mentoring For Free’s mottos are “We teach people how to think, not what to think” and “Be a mentor with a servant’s heart”.
Article Source:
Friday, November 17, 2006
True leaders know that in order to be successful, they must help others be successful. For instance, I am happy to help ANYONE in ANY company be successful, provided they are in a company that is a fit for them. The reason I do this is because I know that I may not benefit monetarily from that particular person, but what goes around, comes around. It WILL come back to me.
Are you a true leader? Are you willing to give of your time to help ANYONE with NO AGENDA? No ulterior motives? No hidden hopes that everyone you help will join you?
Do you need help that comes with no agenda, no ulterior motives and no hopes that you will join me? Get your free eBook at my website. I am happy to help anyone who is willing to reach out and ask for it. Read the eBook, then email me and ask for a free coaching call. My contact info is in the eBook.
Have an absolutely awesome and blessed day!!!
Roxanne Green
Be a Mentor With A Servant's Heart!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
What is a mental cleanse?
Turn off the TV, turn off the radio, turn off all of the negative "chatter" in your life and get to know YOU.
Is your life worth 30 days?
If you want to truly be successful, you will need to clear your mind. You will need to get to the point where you REALLY LOVE YOURSELF. Can you say that? Can you look yourself in the mirror and OUT LOUD say "I LOVE MYSELF" and mean it?? I can. I love myself. About 6 months ago, I was NOT able to do that without my head saying "You're nuts" or "You don't deserve to be loved" or "Yeah, right, who are you trying to fool".
Join us today at Mentoring For Free by downloading our free eBook Success in 10 Steps. It just may be the best book you've ever read.
Have an absolutely awesome day!!!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Time Sensitive Information Revealed!
The audio information is presented in a hard-hitting "just-the-facts" format. It covers "time-sensitive information" on how you could maximize the Vitamark International opportunity.
Sit back, relax, grab a drink and pay close attention -- the information you hear could help turn your dreams a reality! I don't know if it will work for you like it's working for me, but WHAT IF IT DOES??
Hear the audio here.
Have an absolutely wonderful day!!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
A few months ago, my company introduced a diet cookie. Diet cookie??? Didn't make much sense to me. LOL. At least not at the time.
When the cookies came out, I loved them. I started by adding one or two cookies to my diet during the day. After a couple weeks I noticed my clothes were looser.
About a month or so after the company introduced the cookies, they introduced the shakes. First in vanilla. I'm not a big vanilla shake fan, but I tried it and it was delicious. Most other diet shakes I had tried tasted like sawdust. Then they came out with strawberry and chocolate.
OK. To make a long story short, my routine for the past couple months has been:
A shake in the morning
A cookie mid moring
A shake for lunch
A cookie mid afternoon
Whatever I want for dinner
Generally I don't eat the full two cookies during the day so I snack at night on the rest of the cookie. I'm not one to "diet". If I am told to eat low fat and feel deprived, it won't work. I love the taste of food. ;-) So I don't restrict what I eat in any way. If I want an occasional candy bar, I eat one. If I want a piece of cake, I eat one. Granted, I'm not eating as much of that stuff as I was before, but I do not cut it out completely.
My weight loss in the past few months has been over 40 lbs. I started out somewhere above 300 lbs. and am now at 258. I am loving it MADLY.
If you would like to see the cookies and shakes, feel free to visit
Have a great day!!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Have a wonderful day!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Visualize what you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Your mind is your mental workshop. You can build anything you want in it.
Make your mental blueprint and then begin construction. See things as you would have them be instead of as they are.
Use your imagination to perceive your new realityeven when it's not fully materialized. Remember, you must first clearly see a thing in your mindbefore you can do it or have it.
Your imagination will show you how to turn possibility into reality. The beginning of your success is in your imagination. First think, then organize your thoughts into plans. Then transform your thoughts into reality by taking some positive action.
See the things you want as already yours. Think of them as yours, as belonging to you,as already in your possession. Picture yourself as having already achieved your goal.
Dreams and ideas can cross continents and oceans. They go anywhere you can go.
©2006 by Max Steingart
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice
Have a wonderful day!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
I talked with someone today about the products her network marketing company sells. She told me her story of what the products had done for her. She then immediately went into spewing about how the company has a CD that explains how the product was harvested by blind leprechauns who scrapped it off of the bottom of a large rock in some unknown country at exactly midnight during the full moon.
Well...those weren't her exact words, but that is what you sound like when you start spewing technobabble on your potential customers. STOP IT.
Just tell your story. Stories are what people want to hear. Create relationships.
Remember - KISS - Keep It Super Simple
Have a wonderful day!!!
Friday, November 03, 2006
I did an interview a while back with Richard Dennis about how to make the most of social networking sites like myspace. If you are the "in your face" type of network marketer you will turn people off in an instant.
When you go to these sites, create a profile that shows WHO you are, and a little about what you do. Blog about your business or why you are doing this or your favorite product. Don't be hypy and blatant about it in your profile.
Posting comments on someone else's profile advertising your business is just plain rude. If your signature (advertisement) takes up more space than your comment, you are being rude. Stand out from the rest. Be a real person. You will get your profile looked at and that is where you let people know about you and your business. Don't make it all business.
People join people, not companies or products. Create relationships. Let the people looking at your profile know there is a real person and not just some faceless "screamer" there.
To hear my interview with Richard Dennis and get lots of tips and tricks, Click Here.
Have a wonderful day!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Do this little test. Try having someone who is NOT in your address book send you an email that says:
I am interested in making money from home with your network marketing home based business.
If you do not get this email, you have spam filters on your account. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) put filters on your email without your knowledge. They believe that they are helping you. If you are in network marketing, you do not need “help” like that.
Let’s say I see your ad or your neighbor Suzie Q tells me that you are in network marketing and I am interested in speaking with you about it. I have your email address and want more information. I email you something with the words “network marketing” or “home based business” or “make money from home” or any of the other words and phrases that trigger spam filters. You will NOT get that email.
The worst part is - it's not just words and phrases that trigger these filters, but links in emails also. Call your ISP. DEMAND that they remove the spam filters. I know that I want to be in control of what I read and what I do not read. How about you?
Have a blessed day!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I’ve been asked this question over and over in the past couple months about our Mentoring For Free program. Why is this free? What do you get out of it? Why would you help people when there is no monetary benefit in it for you?
True leaders know that they must give of themselves to be successful. The mentoring is all free. I had a really bad experience with a network marketing company (there are lots of bad ones out there). My goal is to educate people on what to look for and how to work their business to be successful. Of the people who download my free eBook, half of the people are already in a company and the other half are looking for a company. Those who are looking for a company, I educate them on what to look for and then introduce them to my company. Quite a few of those people join me in business. Some do not and that’s ok.
Of the other half who are in a company, a little more than half of them are involved in a company that will either steal their check (like my old company did to me) or a company that won’t allow them to retire, or a scam. Once they know what to look for and realize that the company they are with is not a fit for them and that’s why they’ve been struggling, they ask about my company and some of them join me.
Of the people who are in a good company, I work with them and mentor them to be successful in that company. It’s my way of giving back. This industry is so powerful. I want everyone to know how to be successful and why they aren’t successful right now. The majority of the time, the cards are stacked against them and it’s not their fault they aren’t successful.
It’s my belief that this industry would be so much more easily done if the people who act like aggressive, pushy salespeople that very few people like, would stop and realize that network marketing is a RELATIONSHIP business. In order to be successful, and especially after you have built your organization and want to keep it, you have to be willing to help anyone who needs help, not just when it will benefit you. I work with a number of people in other companies and people in my company who are not in my “downline”. I am happy to do that.
That’s my philosophy and the philosophy of the Mentoring for Free system. With that being said, I would be delighted to be your mentor and help you in any way that I can if you would like me to.
Have a wonderful day!!
Roxanne Green
Monday, October 30, 2006
While your character is formed by your circumstances,your desires can shape those circumstances. The one thing over which you have absolute control is your own thoughts. It is this that puts you in a position to control your own destiny.
Nature is constantly at work around you. Character and destiny are her handiwork. She gives you love and hate, jealousy and reverence. You have the power to choose which impulse you follow.
At any time you can decide to alter the course of your life. No one can ever take that away from you. You can do what you want to do and be who you want to be.
Your greatest power is the power to choose.
©2006 by Max Steingart
I just had to share this. I have to keep this in mind on a daily basis. It is so true. If you haven't seen the movie "The Secret" yet, check it out today at It's a must see.
Have an absolutely wonderful day and God Bless!!
Friday, October 27, 2006
During the 30 day mental cleanse, we read the book “Think & Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. Every Wednesday, twice a day, a group of us at Mentoring For Free get together on the phone and mastermind what we got out of each chapter. This process is critical, or at least it was to me. It was very important that I had a safe place to go to let everything out. A place where I could talk about anything and no one would judge me.
If you join Mentoring For Free and start your own 30 day mental cleanse, you will eventually hear my story. It gets told often. I came from a very bad place. I was a basket case. I had tried for YEARS to figure out how to deal with all of the “stuff”. Nothing helped until I found Mentoring For Free. It’s so much more than just a coaching and mentoring program. It’s a life changing program.
I was able to forgive people that I never thought I would be able to forgive. I was able to figure out who I am. I was able to finally come to the realization that I am perfect just the way I am. I love myself and I deserve success!!! Once I realized that it was like flood gates opened and all of a sudden my business took off. All kinds of things are falling into place.
This can be you. You deserve success too. Once you really love yourself and KNOW that you deserve success, you will attract it. No whining. No complaining about how terrible your life is and how you can’t get ahead. Whatever we think about, we bring about. If you have not seen the movie The Secret yet, visit and watch it today. Learn about the law of attraction. Sign up for Mentoring for Free and find out about the 30 day mental cleanse.
Have a wonderful day!!
Before I began my journey down the path I’m on, I would wake up in the morning to the television. I would have the television on all day long. Sometimes, I would listen to the radio, but the TV was still on. LOL. Have you ever seen that? TV on and muted and the radio playing? That was me. I needed constant “chatter” around me because I was AFRAID to be alone.
The first thing he said I should do is “turn off the chatter”. Our mind is like a radio. We can dial into any number of stations. In the past, whenever I was dialing into a station that made me take a good look at my life and my past, I would turn the dial. Michael told me I needed to spend time to get to know ME. I was not thrilled by that at all!! I had been in and out of counseling for years and had tons of baggage I was carrying around with me. I had attempted to do the whole “self evaluation” thing before and wasn’t happy with the results.
My first attempt at a 30 day mental cleanse was this – I stopped watching the news, but thought that my soaps and sitcoms were ok. After all, I didn’t “really” watch them, they were just on. And spending time with me – well…if I’m physically here, I’m with me, right? WRONG. I listened in on the calls and heard stories of how people were growing. They were growing in their personal lives and in their business lives. Why wasn’t I having these breakthroughs? Why wasn’t I growing?
I began to evaluate who I hung out with. There were lots of negative people in my life. You know the kind. The ones who sit there and complain that their life is sssssooooo horrible, but they aren’t willing to stop playing the computer games and get off their butts and DO SOMETHING about it. Heck – with network marketing, they wouldn’t even have to get off their butts, just DO SOMETHING. If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you will continue to be where you’ve always been. I’m not sure who said that, but it was one very smart person.
I finally made the decision that I was going to do this 30 day mental cleanse. In our house, everyone watches TV. We have a TV in every room but the bathroom. IT’S ONLY AN 850 SQUARE FOOT HOUSE. Why do we need a TV in every room? I couldn’t tell my family that they had to do something I was not willing to do. I bought one of those screen tents, an outdoor table and chairs. That became my “space”. I couldn’t have quiet alone time with me in the house, so I created it in my yard. Everyone knew that when Mom is in her screen tent – leave her alone. Thankfully, summer was on it’s way and it was warm enough for the kids to be off playing during the day.
I was on my way. I had begun my 30 day mental cleanse.
Find out tomorrow what happened during my 30 day mental cleanse and what that has to do with success.
Until then – have an absolutely wonderful day!!!
Visit Mentoring For Free
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Around the beginning of the year I was terminated from my previous network marketing company. That is the network marketing company I thought I was going to build a future with. Boy was I wrong. I found out that the replicated websites the company “gave” us when we signed up had what I thought was a glitch in the programming. The company introduced two 15 minute videos to our websites. The problem was – if someone spent over 45 minutes or so on the site, it would “timeout”. From that point on, if the visitor hit the back button on their browser, they were taken to a page to fill out a contact form. This form (unbeknownst to the visitor) was NOT part of the replicating site, but the MAIN COMPANY FORM, therefore, I never saw this person’s request for more information. Well…I immediately emailed the owner of the company to let him know what was happening. Remember, at this point, I thought it was a programming glitch. He emailed me back to say he was out of the country and would look into it when he got back on Tuesday.
Well…needless to say, the company found a bogus reason to terminate me almost immediately upon the owner returning to the country. I was served notice via email on Wednesday that I was being suspended pending termination. The reason they gave was because I “disparaged one of the company employees”. Before emailing the owner of the company, I called the home office. I was met with a customer service rep who, on a different occasion, had no clue what I was talking about when I asked a question about the compensation plan. This particular time that I called, he gave me an answer that had NOTHING to do with the question I was asking. I asked to talk to his supervisor. I asked the supervisor my question and got a much clearer answer than the original rep gave me. I said to the supervisor “I don’t mean to be rude, but so&so is an idiot and should not be allowed to answer the phone.” This was the reason I was given for my termination.
When I joined this company, I agreed to their Policies & Procedures. In the P&P’s it says that I agree to not disparage the company, it’s products, employees, or other members. WELL…I was shocked. I had always assumed (YEAH I KNOW) that disparage meant to be very nasty and negative towards someone. Then I googled the definition of disparage. Here’s the meaning of the word - “convey a negative opinion of”. GUILTY. I conveyed a negative opinion of the customer service rep who did not know what he was talking about. Boy am I glad they couldn’t see me raising my eyebrows!!! That was really conveying a negative opinion of him.
Thankfully, at the time this happened, I had already met Michael Dlouhy. Michael is my mentor, coach and friend. If it weren’t for him and the Mentoring For Free system, I would have been lost. I immediately told Michael what was going on and asked his opinion. Michael was there for me before that day, during the whole mess and after that day. Michael and the Mentoring For Free system have been my sounding board, my mastermind group, my counselors, my team. “My people” as my daughter called some of them at convention. The people in this group – every single one of them – are absolutely wonderful. The Mentoring For Free system attracts the TRUE LEADERS who are willing to go the extra mile to help anyone in any company be successful. Those who want to live a happier, more successful life.
Michael first suggested a 30 day mental cleanse. He told me that in order to have more, I must become more. He told me everything happens for a reason. He told me that if I want to move on and be successful, I must believe that I DESERVE SUCCESS. Well…I was wondering – what in the world is a 30 day mental cleanse? What do I do?
Find out tomorrow what happened during my 30 day mental cleanse and what that has to do with being successful.
Until then – have an absolutely wonderful day!!!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I have been listening to and reading books by Kim Klaver for quite some time now. I just love her. Kim teaches how to lead with the product and not the business. She had an awesome post recently called "Would You Like A Dealership With That?". This is a wonderful example of how some network marketers run their business.
Those of us who know there is a better way to work this business have joined Kim's new Network Marketing Central website. Read all about it at Kim's Blog Post. Don't bother going to the site if you are the "in your face" type of Network Marketer. Kim's philosophy falls right in line with what we teach at Mentoring For Free. It's not all about recruit, recruit, recruit. It's about CREATING RELATIONSHIPS.
Have an absolutely wonderful day!!!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Find out if your company has the 5 pillars that should be in place in order for you to be successful in network marketing. Listen to the 5 pillars call HERE. It's the first audio.
Once you've listened to the audio, I would like to offer you a free gift. Visit Success in 10 Steps to get your free eBook.
Have a wonderful day and God Bless!!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
If you're in a network marketing (mlm) company, take a look at your business model. Do you get compensated for retailing (selling) your product? Or do you only get commission on the distributors/business builders that you sign up? If your compensation plan pays the majority of commissions for sponsoring business builders and not for retailing product, the behavior in the field that will drive is recruit, recruit, recruit.
With the 5 Pillars company I have partnered with, we get compensated (commission) based on anything we sell. It does not matter if those sales came from customers or business builders. Customers are just as important as business builders are in the company I have chosen to work with.
I recently read a book by a wonderful woman named Kim Klaver. The book is called If My Product's So Great, Why Can't I Sell It? Kim Klaver (Ms. Stud) teaches us not to be the pushy, aggressive salesmen that most people run away from, but to help others by introducing them to our products.
The majority of network marketing companies out there have good products that can actually help people. BUT, if you wouldn't sell that product to your mom/dad at retail, then you are in the wrong company. The reason a lot of network marketing/mlm companies have to charge so much for their products is overhead. If a company boasts that they have hundreds of people taking orders and a massive building, that is where the money is going INSTEAD OF INTO YOUR POCKET as a distributor.
As a Mentoring For Free success coach, I look at the policies and procedures of network marketing companies every day. I also evaluate compensation plans. Some of these companies out there don't even pay you if you retail your products. They only pay on business builder volume. That's SAD!! And it's possibly criminal.
Speaking of Policies & Procedures, have you read yours?? This is NOT your Terms and Conditions, it is the Policies & Procedures and EVERY network marketing company must have them. This is your contract with the company. I've heard people tell me "They were over 20 pages of very small print and I wasn't about to read all that." I've also (after pointing out that the company's P&P's say you can be terminated at ANY time for ANY reason) had people tell me "Oh - but they won't do that to ME". Believe me, many people have been done in by that clause. I don't know about you, but I want to build a business that will be there to pay my children's children.
At the end of your rope? Tie a knot and SWING!!!
Roxanne Green
Visit My Website for More Info
Sunday, July 23, 2006
I've been busy lately and have not updated my blog in a while. What's got me so busy, you ask? Well...Vitamark has introduced their Appetizer Diet Cookie. I have been putting my ad campaigns together. I am giving away FREE Diet Cookies to anyone who agrees to let me know what you think of it. The cookie is oatmeal raisin and is DELICIOUS. It isn't very often that you find a healthy cookie that also tastes good. You don't need to be overweight to benefit from the Appetizer Diet Cookie. Even kids are eating it. It is packed with nutrients and high in fiber and protien.
If you would like to get a FREE Diet Cookie, visit My FREE Diet Cookie Site and fill out the form. I would be happy to send you one.
God Bless and have a wonderful day!!!
Friday, June 09, 2006
Your Habits in 2006 and beyond will predict
your Results!
H-A-B-I-T...When 95% of people hear this
word, a negative thought pops up in their minds.
Typically, most people think of a habit being
negative, but not all habits are bad. The secret to
your future lies in your daily habits so ask
yourself right now,
"Are my habits today going to help me
achieve my WHY in life?"
This is a life-empowering question if you
truly ask it and listen for the answer.
I received the following excerpt from a
very dear friend of mine and felt that it is
definitely the best explanation of a habit
that I have ever heard:
I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or your heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.
Half the things you do, you might just as
well turn over to me, and I will be able to
do them quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed; you must merely
be firm with me.
Show me exactly how you want something done,
and after a few lessons I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of all great men.
And, alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great.
Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine, though I work with
all the precision of a machine.
Plus, the intelligence of a man.
You may run me for profit, or run
me for ruin; it makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me and I
will put the world at your feet.
Be easy with me, and I will destroy you.
Who am I?
I am a *HABIT*!
One of my daily habits that is the foundation
of my life is investing 45-60 minutes each
and every morning feeding my body physically
by exercising and feeding my mental spirit by
reading or listening to a motivational message.
This habit warms me up for the day ahead.
Everyone washes their physical body
and feeds their body every morning,
but 95% of people will find an excuse
about why they can not find the "TIME" to
invest in a habit of feeding their MINDS!
This parallels the statistic that 97% of people
are dead or dead broke by the age 65.
I consider this particular daily habit to
be the driving force behind my ability
to consistently maintain intense focus on
the journey of success and living a dream life.
Is it easy all the time?
Of course not, but when it
becomes a habit – you will do it!
If you commit today to begin each morning
warming yourself up for the day
ahead by feeding your mental spirit, your
entire life will change in a positive fashion
very quickly.
It is like driving a race car
with the emergency brake on and you try to
go ahead, but you can't move.
You stay in the same location with your
wheels spinning, burning up, making a lot
of noise, but not going anywhere!
All it takes is to release the brake
and you will fly towards your WHY in life!!
You need to review what your habits are
and ask yourself…
“Would I recommend MY habits to someone
I truly love and care about?”
Your entire future lies in your daily habits
—positive or negative.
You have the most powerful force right
now in your hands, the ability to decide
what your habits will begin to be.
Creating 1,000 Massive Profit-Producing
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Champions Worldwide!
Article reprint from...
John Di Lemme weekly E-zine
Rated one of the Top *5* Personal Development Success Ezines
on the internet today for over 4 Years!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
View My Movies Here. If you only have time to watch one short movie today, take the time to watch the movie in Step #3. This movie will change your life.
Have a wonderful day, after all, today is the FIRST day of the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
God Bless!!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The first one is called The Secret. This is an awesome movie. You can find out about it at .
The second one is called Be Still. This movie really taught me a lot. You can watch this one at .
Check them out.
Have a wonderful day, after all, today is the FIRST day of the REST of your life!!!
God Bless,
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Activity / Time Spent / Time Remaining in the week
Sleep 8 hours a day / 56 hours a week / 112 hours remaining.
Full time job 8 hours a day / 40 hours a week / 72 hours remaining.
Commuting 2 hours a day / 10 hours a week / 62 hours remaining.
Eating 2 hours a day / 14 hours a week / 48 hours remaining.
Family & Entertainment 2 hours a day / 14 hours a week / 34 hours remaining.
Miscellaneous 2 hours a day / 14 hours a week / 20 hours remaining!
So the next time someone says to you "I’d like to, but I just don’t have the time," show them this chart...
After all, it appears that we all have enough time to do what is truly important to us...
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Here is what I've heard recently:
* I've tried Network Marketing before and IT doesn't work FOR ME.
Network Marketing is a vehicle for you to get somewhere. For me, it is my vehicle to financial freedom. My van is my vehicle to get from one place to another. If I were to go out to the driveway, sit in the drivers seat and say "OK - take me where I want to go.", do you really think the van will suddenly start up and take me there?? NO - I have to start the engine, shift into drive, press the gas, navigate it where I want it to go. Occasionally, I even have to swerve unexpectedly to avoid a crash or hit the brakes suddenly in reaction to something someone or something else does. Does that mean I should stop and go no further? When the gas needle gets near empty, should I stop at a gas station and get more gas or sit on the side of the road and wait for someone to come along and put gas in? Do you think many people would stop and offer me gas? How many times?
NO - Network Marketing doesn't work for me either. IT doesn't work FOR ME, I work IT.
Another thing I hear is:
* Don't you make money off me if I sign up?
When I go shopping at the local store, who makes money off me? The store owner, right? So, the store owner should be doing whatever he can to get my business, right? He should have sales on items that I buy regularly. He might even have a shoppers club program where I get free products after I spend a certain amount in his store. He has an interest in keeping me coming back week after week.
If I am making money from your efforts (in addition to mine and everyone else I sign up), wouldn't it be in MY best interest to do everything I can to help YOU be successful and stick around month after month? That is how I make money - by helping others make money. With Vitamark that's easy. We have products that help us feel better, live longer and be less stressed.
Here's another one:
* But I'm not a salesperson.
95% of the population is sales resistant. We don't like selling or being sold to. There are products involved in Network Marketing (if there aren't, it is not a LEGITIMATE opportunity). But, you do not have to sell these products if you don't want to. Most Network Marketing companies offer an autoship program. I'll explain more about that in a minute. Network Marketing is about creating relationships. When most people think of sales, they think of the dishonest, pushy people who try to shove something down your throat that you don't really want or need. If your Network Marketing company offers real products that real people need on a daily basis, you do NOT have to be that pushy aggressive salesperson. I'm not saying "The product will sell itself" because we all know that just like the van doesn't take me where I want to go on it's own, products can not sell themselves. They are OBJECTS. Selling is an action. Objects can not act on their own.
* OK - what's this autoship thing and why do I need it?
Autoship with Vitamark is easy to explain. We like to call it the "Free Product Club". Let me put it this way - Let's say that I shop at XYZ store every week. One day, when I go through the checkout line, the cashier says to me "Would you be interested in our Free Product Club?" Of course I'm going to ask what the free product club is. The cashier tells me that I just need to continue doing what I am already doing - shop at XYZ store, spend at least $125/month and I will get a free product every month valued at around $25. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT???" I ask the cashier. "What is the catch?". "No catch" she says. "We simply think that our customers should try a variety of our products. Maybe the free product will be something you would not normally buy. If you like the free product, you will buy it again, so it is worth it for us to give away a free product to possibly get more business." "HHHMMM...Pretty good idea." I think to myself, so I tell the cashier "Sure, sign me up." What the heck, I easily spend $100 - $150/month on products I need and want anyway, I might as well get a free product out of it.
That's how Vitamark's Free Product Club autoship works. We pick a few products that total at least 100 BP each month and Vitamark sends us a free product. And (as an added bonus) the autoship allows us to get BONUSES (MONEY) that the company pays to loyal representatives of the company. And (as a further added bonus) I get to try a wide variety of products and see what I like best.
* What is this BP and why don't you just say X amount of dollars per month?
Vitamark does business in a number of different countries. That number is growing all of the time. As you may know, the dollar is only the US currency. So, instead of saying "In country X you have to have an autoship of $100/mo. and in country Y it's $69 and in country Z it's $354" each product has been assigned a point value. In order to make the bonuses from the company, everyone agrees to a 100 BP autoship.
* What if I don't want to go on this autoship program?
Well...that's fine too. You will still make some money with the company. You will not get the health benefit of the product. And, when someone asks you "What did product ZXY do for you?" you will have to say "Well...I don't actually buy these products, but you really should be on autoship." How many people do you think will take you seriously??? Think of it this way - if you worked at a store and got a discount on products, wouldn't you shop there?
If you have a question you would like me to address, please email it to me at and I will be happy to answer it.
Goodnight and God Bless.
PS - Don't forget about the free eBook Success in 10 Steps waiting for you.
Thursday, April 06, 2006
So...You want to work from home?
Do you know the difference between LINEAR and RESIDUAL income?
LINEAR INCOME - You trade hours for dollars. You go to work, you get paid. You don't work, you don't get paid. For instance, a janitor goes to work and gets paid for the hours he puts in. If he doesn't go to work, he doesn't get paid. A doctor gets paid linear income. If he doesn't go to work, he doesn't get paid.
RESIDUAL INCOME - You do the work right one time and get paid over and over for it. For instance, a rock star has musical talent, does the work right one time and gets paid over and over. If he wants more money, he does more work and gets paid over and over for that. A talented author writes a book and gets paid over and over for work done right once. Network Marketers (in the right opportunity) build their businesses right one time and get paid over and over.
Don't give up your day job just yet. I'm here to give you the real, honest truth about residual income. It does NOT appear overnight. REMEMBER - You do the work RIGHT one time and get paid over and over. This takes time.
There are a
How do you know what to look for? How can you weed out the scams so you can choose what you want to do?
The first rule of thumb is something you've probably heard over and over, but it bears repeating. IF IT SOUNDS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT PROBABLY IS. No one is going to flood your paypal/bank account with money. No one is going to build your business for you. There are NO legitimate businesses where you can sign up, do nothing and get rich.
WELL...What is all of this financial freedom working from home that everyone is talking about?? Does it exist?? How do you find it??
IT is called Network Marketing or MLM (Multi-Level Marketing). Don't let the name fool you. I'm not talking about illegal pyramid schemes. I'm not talking about illegal gifting programs.
What I am talking about are legitimate companies with legitimate products. A real network marketing opportunity will have real products, not just information, not just tapes and cd's to buy. A real opportunity is NOT "Send $10 to everyone on the list and wrap it in a piece of paper saying Please add me to your mailing list". Those things not only do not work, they are illegal.
Can you make a fortune in Network Marketing? ABSOLUTELY
Will it happen overnight? ABSOLUTELY NOT
Why do most people fail in Network Marketing? The majority of people who attempt Network Marketing have not been shown the right way of building a business. They have been told to make a list of their friends and family and call them first. BAD IDEA. They have been told to buy a list of people who have supposedly requested information about a home business and call them. BAD IDEA.
Can you sign up, work a few hours a month and get rich? I guess you could in about 20 years or so if you're VERY persistent.
Does it take work to build a business in Network Marketing? ABSOLUTELY. It is called NetWORK Marketing.
Can anyone guarantee you will make a certain income? ABSOLUTELY NOT. How much you make depends on many factors. It depends on the company you choose, the compensation plan, and YOU.
Will it cost money to get into Network Marketing? ABSOLUTELY. It is a home based business, not a home based job. If you want a home based job, then you are not looking for a secure financial future and you are looking for a way to make someone else rich instead of yourself. As with any business, there will be start up and operating costs. The good news is - compared to a traditional business, the costs are VERY LOW to start your own Network Marketing business.
Why Should You Get Involved In Network Marketing?
Let me put it this way:
A friend of mine is starting college this year. He gets to struggle for 4-5 years while studying/attending classes during the day and working at night (outside the home) to pay for tuition. He is learning a trade that will eventually allow him to (in 4 or 5 years) BEGIN his career by helping make some lucky business owner rich. (I'm not saying college is bad. I went to college and my kids will go to college.)
I am beginning my network marketing career with a new company this year. I will work 15 - 20 hours a week for 4-5 years and have the financial and time freedom to do the things I want to do. I will probably continue to work and continue to increase my RESIDUAL income, but I won't HAVE to.
Which path would you rather be on? If you knew that you could start today and work part time for 4-5 years (less if you want to work full time) and RETIRE with income for life,
what would you do? What will you do? The choice is yours. YOUR FUTURE is up to YOU!!
Get YOUR FREE EBOOK HERE. My contact information is in the book. This eBook is called Success in 10 Steps and will help you answer all of these questions in depth. Benefit from what my personal coach and mentor learned in over 26 years in the industry. He's been there, done that and can show you how to "Build it once, build it big, and build it to pay your children's children".
The good thing about Network Marketing is - if you choose the right people to work with, you will have a much better chance for success. You will not have to do it alone. There will be people there to help you. They will NOT do the work for you, but show you HOW to do it the right way. At Mentoring For Free we will teach you HOW to think, not WHAT to think. Your life will FINALLY belong to YOU.
Are you at the end of your rope? TIE A KNOT AND SWING!!
Have a wonderful day, after all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!
God Bless!
Thursday, March 30, 2006
I am going through a 30 Day Cleanse right now. This is all part of the Mentoring For Free program. During the 30 days, Michael Dlouhy teaches us to "turn off the chatter". There are lots of negative thoughts, negative speaking, etc... going into our minds every day. A lot of the negativity comes from the news and the internet. Now, everyone knows I can't give up my internet, but I have stopped checking email a million times a day and stopped reading all of the negative message boards and negative news stories on here. Instead, I am filling my mind with POSITIVE things.
I listen to sermons on my mp3 player that I've downloaded from Northside Church's online sermon library. I love Pastor Bruce. I haven't attended Northside in a while because I've been going to Cato Union Church and listening to Pastor Ron. He is also on my mp3 player on a daily basis.
I read only positive, motivational books - books that will enrich my mind and my life. I have been reading Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill as part of the 30 day cleanse program. I read books by Tom "Big Al" Shreiter. The next book on my list is The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. I read that years ago, but I need to read it again. Then I will get Conversations with the Greatest Networker in the World.
I think everyone can benefit by a 30 day cleanse and by reading these books. They will help you have a better overall outlook on life in general.
Have an AWESOME day, after all, TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
God Bless!!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
My company has introduced a product for people who want to lose weight and feel great while doing it. It's not a diet, it's a complete lifestyle weight management system.
Do you know anyone who would be interested in that?
If so, please direct them to
Thank you for your help.
Have an awesome day and God Bless!!
Roxanne - Get your free eBook here
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Have you ever done a search on Yahoo, Google, Alta Vista, etc... and you get to the page that is supposed to have the information you want and there is a lot to read on the page and you can't find what you are looking for? Do you get discouraged and go to the next result in line for your search terms?
Don't despair. You don't have to read through everything to find what you are looking for. If you are using Internet Explorer, when you get to the page that is supposed to contain your search terms, click on Edit at the top of the browser window. Next click on Find on this page. You can also just do ctrl + f instead of the last two steps. A window will pop up for you to type your word or phrase into. Next click on the find next button. It will automatically go to what you are looking for. If you want to see if that word or phrase is in another spot, click find next again.
Have an awesome day, after all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!!!
God Bless!!
Check Out How I Make Money From Home
Saturday, March 18, 2006
I'm still doing Vitamark and I am still doing all of my other afilliate programs.
Also, I figure since I'm on the computer virtually all day, I might as well put that to my use too. I've joined BLINGO. Blingo is the search engine that gives away prizes every day like Sony PlayStation Portables, Apple iPods, Visa gift cards, and more.
You can also invite your friends to use Blingo, and when one of them wins a prize, you win the same prize. That means if someone you invited wins an iPod, you win one too.
Just click the button below to join Blingo Friends (it only takes 15
seconds), or copy it and paste the link under it into your browser:
Some of my friends have already won prizes with Blingo.
Have a wonderful day!!!! God Bless!!
Roxanne Green
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
My new websites are:
Check them out. I, personally, like the second one. Email me at and let me know which one you like best. I am having so much fun with this!!!!!!!!
Have an awesome day and God bless!!!
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Vitamark's awesome promotion this month is called March Madness. Check it out. Join today at the instant platinum level and receive a free case of Limu Plus.
Vitamark has taken the pure goodness of Tongan Limu Moui and charged it with additional advanced Russian adaptogens to create the premier Limu product on the market.*
Others offer Limu Moui supplements, but only Vitamark offers Limu Plus—the best of nature and science combined!
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Some have expressed concerns about calling a long distance phone number to hear about the Vitamark opportunity. My post titled "What's Your Plan?" has a phone number to call for an overview of the business. If you would like to hear that overview without making a call, click the play button below.
Have an awesome day and God Bless!!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
If you would like to try the Shrink It weight loss program visit here. I'm excited.
Not much else going on right now. Just a yucky snowy day in central NY. We're getting a blizzard at the moment. I want to move someplace warm. My husband has finally decided that we can move to North Carolina before next winter. That way he can work year round and not have to worry about no work in the winter.
Have an awesome day and God Bless!!!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Let me put it this way:
A friend of mine is starting college this year. He gets to struggle for 4-5 years while studying/attending classes during the day and working at night (outside the home) to pay for tuition. He is learning a trade that will eventually allow him to (in 4 or 5 years) BEGIN his career by making some lucky business owner rich.
I am beginning my network marketing career with a new company this year. I will work 15 - 20 hours a week for 4-5 years and have the financial and time freedom to do the things I want to do. I will probably continue to work and continue to increase my RESIDUAL income, but I won't HAVE to.
Which path would you rather be on? If you knew that you could start today and work part time for 4-5 years (less if you want to work full time) and RETIRE with income for life, what would you do? What will you do? The choice is yours. YOUR FUTURE is up to YOU!!
Get YOUR FREE EBOOK HERE. My contact information is in the book.
Have an awesome day and is the FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!
God Bless!!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Answer these few simple questions. AFTER you've answered the questions, call 760-708-0717. This call is approximately 30 minutes long. AFTER you've listened to the call, visit My Vitamark Site. If you are ready to get started, click the "Join Vitamark" button and sign up. If you have questions, email me at It is very important that you do these steps in order. You will need to set aside about 90 uninterrupted minutes to complete all three steps. IF your future isn't worth 90 minutes, then just don't do it.
1. WHEN would you like to retire?
In one year
In two years
In five years
In ten years
WHAT is your plan to achieve this goal?
2. How much money do you need monthly to retire comfortably?
$5,000 or more
WHAT is your plan to receive this monthly income?
3. How much money do you need to invest at a 6% return to receive your desired monthly income? (Take your answer from question #2 and multiply by 200.)
WHAT is your plan to accumulate this money?
Sunday, February 19, 2006
A mentor is a wise and trusted friend and guide. Michael Dlouhy (author of the free eBook "Success in 10 Steps") has begun to share with me what he has learned in his 30 years in network marketing. This man is a wonderful human being who is taking his time to mentor anyone who is now in a home based business or who wants to be in one. He doesn't care if you're in the same opportunity as he is or not. He will share his wisdom and insights with you regardless. AND he doesn't charge you one penny!!
Years ago, network marketing (also known as Multi Level Marketing or MLM) was frowned upon. People who were involved in network marketing were told to get a real job. Those who persisted and stayed with it are now millionaires while those who listened to the naysayers are still struggling with their JOB (Just Over Broke). I listened to the naysayers. For years I listened to those who said "That will never work - get a real job". That didn't work well for me either. LOL.
Do you know the difference between linear income and residual income?
Linear income is trading hours for dollars. Let's say you are a factory worker. If you don't go to work, you don't get paid. Maybe you are a doctor. If you don't go to work, you don't get paid.
Residual income is income that you collect again and again for work you did once. Musicians and authors (as long as they are good ones) collect residual income for life for work the did once and did right. As long as that work is done once and done right, you continue to collect on it for years and years to come.
Our team motto is "Build it once, Build it big and build it to pay your children's children." THAT, my friends, is network marketing. Network marketing is not about sales, it's about relationships. Build relationships with the people you work with and you will have made some of the best friends you will ever have.
What do I have to do to get this residual income? you ask.'s VERY simple. First, find a company that has products that you like and enjoy. I've found Vitamark. Now, you don't have to choose the same company as I did, although if you look at the website and like the products, by all means, I would be happy to have you on my team.
Next, DON'T CHANGE. Simply do the same thing you've done since childhood. Tell others about things you like. If you see a good movie, you may tell a few friends about it, right? If you tried a new recipe and it was delicious, you may tell a few friends about it, right? If you found a new place to shop and loved it, you may tell a few friends about it, right?
Do you get paid for recommending any of those things? Does the movie producer pay you for recommending their movie? Does the store pay you for recommending them to others? In network marketing, if you recommend your company's products to others, THE COMPANY PAYS YOU. They pay you EVERY TIME that person shops at that company. This is powerful.
If you are even thinking about looking for a company to work with, you need to get the free eBook "Success in 10 Steps". This book will take years of trial and error off building your business.
Hopefully you will see the power of network marketing and begin today taking control of your OWN future. Don't spend the rest of your life laboring to make someone else rich.
Have an awesome day, after all, today is the first day of the rest of your life!!
God Bless!!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Again, let me preface this by saying that these tips are for using a pc with internet explorer. If you are using Mac, I don't know if they will work or not. If you are using Mozilla, I don't know if they will work or not.
If the page you are viewing is too small for you to see it, hold the ctrl button down and move the wheel on your mouse toward you to make the page bigger. Hold the ctrl button down and move the wheel away from you to make it smaller again. Go ahead. Try it. I know you want to.
Don't have a wheel mouse? Don't worry. Just click on view at the top menu of Internet Explorer and then on text size and choose a larger size than is bulleted now.
More tips to come soon.
Have a wonderful day and God Bless!!
Get your FREE eBook "Success in 10 Steps" Here
My Business Site