It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you believe you deserve success.
Around the beginning of the year I was terminated from my previous network marketing company. That is the network marketing company I thought I was going to build a future with. Boy was I wrong. I found out that the replicated websites the company “gave” us when we signed up had what I thought was a glitch in the programming. The company introduced two 15 minute videos to our websites. The problem was – if someone spent over 45 minutes or so on the site, it would “timeout”. From that point on, if the visitor hit the back button on their browser, they were taken to a page to fill out a contact form. This form (unbeknownst to the visitor) was NOT part of the replicating site, but the MAIN COMPANY FORM, therefore, I never saw this person’s request for more information. Well…I immediately emailed the owner of the company to let him know what was happening. Remember, at this point, I thought it was a programming glitch. He emailed me back to say he was out of the country and would look into it when he got back on Tuesday.
Well…needless to say, the company found a bogus reason to terminate me almost immediately upon the owner returning to the country. I was served notice via email on Wednesday that I was being suspended pending termination. The reason they gave was because I “disparaged one of the company employees”. Before emailing the owner of the company, I called the home office. I was met with a customer service rep who, on a different occasion, had no clue what I was talking about when I asked a question about the compensation plan. This particular time that I called, he gave me an answer that had NOTHING to do with the question I was asking. I asked to talk to his supervisor. I asked the supervisor my question and got a much clearer answer than the original rep gave me. I said to the supervisor “I don’t mean to be rude, but so&so is an idiot and should not be allowed to answer the phone.” This was the reason I was given for my termination.
When I joined this company, I agreed to their Policies & Procedures. In the P&P’s it says that I agree to not disparage the company, it’s products, employees, or other members. WELL…I was shocked. I had always assumed (YEAH I KNOW) that disparage meant to be very nasty and negative towards someone. Then I googled the definition of disparage. Here’s the meaning of the word - “convey a negative opinion of”. GUILTY. I conveyed a negative opinion of the customer service rep who did not know what he was talking about. Boy am I glad they couldn’t see me raising my eyebrows!!! That was really conveying a negative opinion of him.
Thankfully, at the time this happened, I had already met Michael Dlouhy. Michael is my mentor, coach and friend. If it weren’t for him and the Mentoring For Free system, I would have been lost. I immediately told Michael what was going on and asked his opinion. Michael was there for me before that day, during the whole mess and after that day. Michael and the Mentoring For Free system have been my sounding board, my mastermind group, my counselors, my team. “My people” as my daughter called some of them at convention. The people in this group – every single one of them – are absolutely wonderful. The Mentoring For Free system attracts the TRUE LEADERS who are willing to go the extra mile to help anyone in any company be successful. Those who want to live a happier, more successful life.
Michael first suggested a 30 day mental cleanse. He told me that in order to have more, I must become more. He told me everything happens for a reason. He told me that if I want to move on and be successful, I must believe that I DESERVE SUCCESS. Well…I was wondering – what in the world is a 30 day mental cleanse? What do I do?
Find out tomorrow what happened during my 30 day mental cleanse and what that has to do with being successful.
Until then – have an absolutely wonderful day!!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
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