Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What is an Orange Ad?

My good friend and legendary Network Marketing trainer, Kim Klaver has set up a new site called Network Marketing Central (NMC). This is a safe place for people to come and buy from Network Marketers, such as myself. See my NMC profile HERE. If someone is looking for a business, it's a safe place to look around and find the right person to partner with.

When Kim first opened NMC, she had google ads on her site. You know the ones - screaming, hypy, full of promises ads that no one pays attention to anyway. Her slogan is "No Promises, No Problems". Too many Network Marketing companies are getting hit for making product claims. YOU CAN'T DO THAT. Not only will you get in trouble with your company, but your company could get shut down. No one wants that.

Kim found a great solution to get rid of the ads full of hype and promises. The solution is called ORANGE ADS. See the orange ads at My Site.

Go ahead - go there and click on one that you like. If you don't like any that you see, just refresh the page and you will get all new ones. You will be brought directly to the profile of the person who wrote the ad. Pretty neat, huh?

Have an absolutely wonderful day!!
If you struggle in your MLM business, we may have a solution

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